Source code for cldfbench.cli_util

import json
import typing
from time import time
import argparse

from clldutils.clilib import ParserError
import termcolor

import pycldf

import cldfbench
from cldfbench import ENTRY_POINT
from cldfbench import get_dataset as _get
from cldfbench import get_datasets as _gets

__all__ = ['DatasetNotFoundException',
           'add_entry_point', 'add_dataset_spec', 'add_catalog_spec',
           'get_dataset', 'get_datasets', 'get_cldf_dataset',
           'with_dataset', 'with_datasets']


class DatasetNotFoundException(Exception):

def add_entry_point(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, ep: str = ENTRY_POINT):
        help='Name of entry_points to identify datasets',

[docs]def add_dataset_spec(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, ep: str = ENTRY_POINT, multiple=False): """ Add arguments and options to specify `cldfbench` Datasets to the CLI. :param multiple: Flag signaling whether selection of multiple datasets should be allowed. .. note:: This funtion is supposed to be used in tandem with :func:`get_dataset`, called in a command's `run` function. """ h = "Dataset spec, either ID of installed dataset or path to python module" if multiple: h += " or simplified glob pattern (where _ is understood as *) " \ "specifying python modules (requires --glob option!)" \ " or just _, which will match all datasets of the given --entry-point" parser.add_argument( 'dataset', metavar='DATASET', help=h + '.') add_entry_point(parser, ep=ep) if multiple: parser.add_argument( '--glob', action='store_true', default=False, help="Interpret DATASET as simplified glob pattern relative to cwd.")
[docs]def get_dataset(args: argparse.Namespace) -> cldfbench.Dataset: """ Get the `cldfbench.Dataset` specified by `args`. :raises ParserError: If no matching dataset was found. """ ds = _get(args.dataset, ep=args.entry_point) if ds: return ds raise ParserError(termcolor.colored( '\nInvalid dataset spec: <{0}> {1}\n'.format(args.entry_point, args.dataset), "red"))
[docs]def get_datasets(args: argparse.Namespace) -> typing.List[cldfbench.Dataset]: """ Get the `cldfbench.Dataset` s specified by `args`. :raises ParserError: If no matching datasets were found. """ if args.glob or args.dataset == '_': args.dataset = args.dataset.replace('_', '*') res = _gets(args.dataset, ep=args.entry_point, glob=args.glob) if res: return res raise ParserError(termcolor.colored( '\nInvalid dataset spec: <{0}> {1}\n'.format(args.entry_point, args.dataset), "red"))
[docs]def get_cldf_dataset(args: argparse.Namespace, cldf_spec=None) -> pycldf.Dataset: """ Get the `pycldf.Dataset` specified by `cldf_spec` for the `cldfbench.Dataset` specified by \ `args`. """ try: return get_dataset(args).cldf_reader(cldf_spec=cldf_spec) except (ParserError, ModuleNotFoundError): # Try to load plain (i.e. non-cldfbench-enabled) CLDF dataset. try: return pycldf.Dataset.from_metadata(args.dataset) except json.JSONDecodeError: return pycldf.Dataset.from_data(args.dataset)
[docs]def add_catalog_spec( parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, name: str, with_version: bool = True, default=None): """ Add an option for a reference catalog (at a specific version tag) to the CLI. :param parser: Subparser for the subcommand. :param name: Option name to use for the catalog. :param with_version: Flag signaling whether an option to select a version tag for the \ catalog should be added. :param default: The default value for the argument. `None` will trigger config lookup, \ `IGNORE_MISSING` will set the argument to `None` if no user-supplied value is found. .. note:: If one of the `cldfbench.catalogs.BUILTIN_CATALOGS` is added (using its name as `name`), `cldfbench` will add an initialized `cldfcatalog.Catalog` object (with entered context, if a particular version was requested) as `name` to the `argparse.Namespace` passed to the command's `run` function. """ parser.add_argument( '--' + name, metavar=name.upper(), help='Path to repository clone of {0} data'.format(name.capitalize()), default=default) if with_version: parser.add_argument( '--{0}-version'.format(name), help='Version of {0} data to checkout'.format(name.capitalize()), default=None)
[docs]def with_dataset(args: argparse.Namespace, func: typing.Union[callable, str], dataset=None) \ -> typing.Any: """ Run a callable, passing a dataset and `args` as arguments, returning it's result. :param args: CLI arguments :param func: Callable with suitable signature or `str`, in which case a method `_cmd_<name>` \ will be looked up on the dataset and run. :param dataset: `cldfbench.Dataset` instance or `None`, in which case a dataset will be \ retrieved as specified by `args`. """ dataset = dataset or get_dataset(args) s = time() arg = [dataset] if isinstance(func, str): func_ = getattr(dataset, '_cmd_' + func, getattr(dataset, 'cmd_' + func, None)) if not func_: raise ParserError('Dataset {0} has no {1} command'.format(, func)) func, arg = func_, []'running {0} on {1} ...'.format(getattr(func, '__name__', func), res = func(*arg, args)'... done %s [%.1f secs]' % (, time() - s)) return res
[docs]def with_datasets(args, func): """ Run `func` on all datasets specified by `args`. See :func:`with_dataset` for details. """ res = [] for ds in get_datasets(args): res.append(with_dataset(args, func, dataset=ds)) return res