Source code for cldfbench.datadir

import gzip
import shutil
import typing
import pathlib
import zipfile
import itertools
import contextlib
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
import collections
import unicodedata

import requests
import termcolor

    from odf.opendocument import load as load_odf
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    load_odf = None

    import xlrd
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    xlrd = None
    import openpyxl
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    openpyxl = None

import pybtex.database
from csvw import dsv
from clldutils.misc import xmlchars, slug
from clldutils.path import TemporaryDirectory
from clldutils import jsonlib
from pycldf.sources import Source

__all__ = ['get_url', 'DataDir']

ODF_NS_TABLE = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0'
ODF_NS_TEXT = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0'

def _real_len(seq, pred=bool):
    for index in range(len(seq) - 1, -1, -1):
        if pred(seq[index]):
            return index + 1
        return 0

def _ods_value(cell):
    return ' '.join(
        for e in cell.childNodes
        if e.qname == (ODF_NS_TEXT, 'p'))

def _ods_cells(row):
    cells = [
                cell.attributes.get((ODF_NS_TABLE, 'number-columns-repeated'))
                or '1')
        for cell in row.childNodes
        if cell.qname == (ODF_NS_TABLE, 'table-cell')]

    real_len = _real_len(cells, pred=lambda pair: bool(pair[0]))
    return [
        for cell, number in itertools.islice(cells, real_len)
        for cloned_cell in itertools.repeat(cell, number)]

def _pad_list(li, length):
    if len(li) >= length:
        return li
        return [e for e in itertools.chain(li, itertools.repeat('', length - len(li)))]

def _ods_to_list(table):
    rows = [
                row.attributes.get((ODF_NS_TABLE, 'number-rows-repeated'))
                or '1')
        for row in table.childNodes
        if row.qname == (ODF_NS_TABLE, 'table-row')]

    real_len = _real_len(rows, pred=lambda pair: bool(pair[0]))

    max_width = max(len(row) for row, _ in rows)
    rows = ((_pad_list(row, max_width), number) for row, number in rows)
    return [
        for row, number in itertools.islice(rows, real_len)
        for cloned_row in itertools.repeat(row, number)]

def get_url(url: str, log=None, **kw) -> requests.Response:
    res = requests.get(url, **kw)
    if log:
        level = if res.status_code == 200 else log.warning
        level('HTTP {0} for {1}'.format(
            termcolor.colored(res.status_code, 'blue'), termcolor.colored(url, 'blue')))
    return res

[docs]class DataDir(type(pathlib.Path())): """ A `pathlib.Path` augmented with functionality to read common data formats. """ def _path(self, fname: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> pathlib.Path: """ Interpret strings without "/" as names of files in `self`. :param fname: :return: `pathlib.Path` instance """ if isinstance(fname, str) and '/' not in fname: return self / fname return pathlib.Path(fname)
[docs] def read(self, fname: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path], aname: str = None, normalize: str = None, suffix: str = None, encoding: str = 'utf8') -> str: """ Read text data from a file. :param fname: Name of a file in `DataDir` or any `pathlib.Path`. :param aname: "file in archive" name, if a file from a zip archive is to be read. :param suffix: If `None`, suffix will be inferred from the path to be read. Otherwise \ it can be used to force reading compressed content passing `.gz` or `.zip`. :param normalize: Any normalization form understood by `unicodedata.normalize`. """ p = self._path(fname) suffix = suffix or p.suffix if suffix == '.zip': zip = zipfile.ZipFile(str(p)) text = or zip.namelist()[0]).decode(encoding) elif suffix == '.gz': with as fp: text = else: text = p.read_text(encoding=encoding) if normalize: text = unicodedata.normalize(normalize, text) return text
[docs] def write(self, fname: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path], text: str, encoding='utf8'): """ Write text data to a file. :param fname: Name of a file in `DataDir` or any `pathlib.Path`. """ self._path(fname).write_text(text, encoding=encoding) return fname
[docs] def read_csv(self, fname: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path], normalize=None, **kw) -> typing.List[typing.Union[dict, list]]: """ Read CSV data from a file. """ if not normalize: return list(dsv.reader(self._path(fname), **kw)) if kw.get('dicts'): return [collections.OrderedDict( [(k, unicodedata.normalize(normalize, v)) for k, v in row.items()] ) for row in dsv.reader(self._path(fname), **kw)] else: return [[unicodedata.normalize(normalize, k) for k in row] for row in dsv.reader(self._path(fname), **kw)]
[docs] def write_csv(self, fname: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path], rows: typing.Iterable[typing.List[str]], **kw): """ Write CSV data to a file. """ with dsv.UnicodeWriter(self._path(fname), **kw) as writer: writer.writerows(rows)
[docs] def read_xml(self, fname: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path], wrap=True) -> et.Element: """ Reads and parses XML from a file. """ xml = xmlchars( if wrap: xml = '<r>{0}</r>'.format(xml) return et.fromstring(xml.encode('utf8'))
def read_json(self, fname: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path], **kw) -> typing.Union[str, list, dict]: return jsonlib.load(self._path(fname)) def read_bib(self, fname: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path] = 'sources.bib') -> typing.List[Source]: bib = pybtex.database.parse_string(, bib_format='bibtex') return [Source.from_entry(k, e) for k, e in bib.entries.items()]
[docs] def ods2csv(self, fname: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path], outdir: typing.Optional[pathlib.Path] = None) -> typing.Dict[str, pathlib.Path]: """ Dump the data from an OpenDocument Spreadsheet (suffix .ODS) file to CSV. .. note:: Requires `cldfbench` to be installed with extra "odf". """ if not load_odf: # pragma: no cover raise EnvironmentError( 'ods2csv is only available when cldfbench is installed with odf support\n' 'pip install cldfbench[odf]') fname = self._path(fname) ods_data = load_odf(fname) tables = [ e for e in ods_data.spreadsheet.childNodes if e.qname == (ODF_NS_TABLE, 'table')] outdir = outdir or self res = {} for table in tables: table_name = table.attributes[ODF_NS_TABLE, 'name'] csv_path = outdir / '{}.{}.csv'.format( fname.stem, slug(table_name, lowercase=False)) with dsv.UnicodeWriter(csv_path) as writer: writer.writerows(_ods_to_list(table)) res[table_name] = csv_path return res
[docs] def xls2csv(self, fname: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path], outdir: typing.Optional[pathlib.Path] = None) -> typing.Dict[str, pathlib.Path]: """ Dump the data from an Excel XLS file to CSV. .. note:: Requires `cldfbench` to be installed with extra "excel". """ if not xlrd: # pragma: no cover raise EnvironmentError( 'xls2csv is only available when cldfbench is installed with excel support\n' 'pip install cldfbench[excel]') fname = self._path(fname) res = {} outdir = outdir or self try: wb = xlrd.open_workbook(str(fname)) except xlrd.biffh.XLRDError as e: if 'xlsx' in str(e): raise ValueError('To read xlsx files, call xlsx2csv!') raise # pragma: no cover for sname in wb.sheet_names(): sheet = wb.sheet_by_name(sname) if sheet.nrows: path = outdir.joinpath(fname.stem + '.' + slug(sname, lowercase=False) + '.csv') with dsv.UnicodeWriter(path) as writer: for i in range(sheet.nrows): writer.writerow([col.value for col in sheet.row(i)]) res[sname] = path return res
[docs] def xlsx2csv(self, fname: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path], outdir: typing.Optional[pathlib.Path] = None) -> typing.Dict[str, pathlib.Path]: """ Dump the data from an Excel XLSX file to CSV. .. note:: Requires `cldfbench` to be installed with extra "excel". """ if not openpyxl: # pragma: no cover raise EnvironmentError( 'xlsx2csv is only available when cldfbench is installed with excel support\n' 'pip install cldfbench[excel]') def _excel_value(x): if x is None: return "" if isinstance(x, float) and int(x) == x: # Since Excel does not have an integer type, integers are rendered as "n.0", # which in turn confuses type detection of tools like csvkit. Thus, we normalize # numbers of the form "n.0" to "n". return '{0}'.format(int(x)) # pragma: no cover return '{0}'.format(x).strip() fname = self._path(fname) res = {} outdir = outdir or self wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(str(fname), data_only=True) for sname in wb.sheetnames: sheet = wb[sname] path = outdir.joinpath(fname.stem + '.' + slug(sname, lowercase=False) + '.csv') with dsv.UnicodeWriter(path) as writer: for row in sheet.rows: writer.writerow([_excel_value(col.value) for col in row]) res[sname] = path return res
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def temp_download(self, url: str, fname: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path], log=None) -> pathlib.Path: """ Context manager to use when downloaded data needs to be manipulated before storage \ (e.g. to anonymize it). Usage: .. code-block:: python with ds.raw_dir.temp_download('') as p: ds.raw_dir.write('data.txt', p.read_text(encoding='utf8').split('##')[0]) """ p = None try: p =, fname, log=log) yield p finally: if p and p.exists(): p.unlink()
[docs] def download(self, url: str, fname: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path], log=None, skip_if_exists=False): """ Download data from a URL to the directory. """ p = self._path(fname) if p.exists() and skip_if_exists: return p res = get_url(url, log=log, stream=True) with'wb') as fp: for chunk in res.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks fp.write(chunk) return p
[docs] def download_and_unpack(self, url: str, *paths: str, **kw): """ Download a zipfile and immediately unpack selected content. :param url: URL from where to download the archive. :param paths: Path names to be compared to `ZipInfo.filename`. :param kw: """ with self.temp_download(url, '', log=kw.pop('log', None)) as zipp: with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: with zipfile.ZipFile(str(zipp)) as zipf: for info in zipf.infolist(): if (not paths) or info.filename in paths: zipf.extract(info, path=str(tmpdir)) shutil.copy(str(tmpdir.joinpath(info.filename)), str(self))