Source code for cldfcatalog.catalog

A CLDF Reference catalog is typically available as data in a git repository, often with an
accompanying Python API to access the data.

This module provides functionality for accessing such catalogs, and in particular specified
versions of the catalog (repository).
import re
import sys

from cldfcatalog.repository import Repository
from cldfcatalog.config import Config

__all__ = ['Catalog']

[docs]class Catalog(Repository): """ A `Catalog` is a git repository clone (optionally with a python API to access it). """ # If the catalog has a Python API, __api__ should point to the API class, which accepts # a repository directory as sole positional argument for initialization: __api__ = None # Catalogs are often used in command line applications. Thus, they need to refered to via # cli options or arguments. __cli_name__ can be used to specify a name for the catalog in these # scenarios, if the default - the lowercased class name - is not useful. __cli_name__ = None def __init__(self, path, tag=None, not_git_repo_ok=True): if isinstance(self.__api__, str): raise ValueError( 'API for catalog {0} is not available, please install {1}!'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.__api__)) super().__init__(path, not_git_repo_ok=not_git_repo_ok) if not self.repo and tag: raise ValueError('A tag can only be specified for cloned repositories!') self._prev_head = None # We want to restore the previous state upon exiting. self.tag = tag # Instantiating the API may be costly, thus, we cache it. self._api = None @classmethod def default_location(cls): return Config.dir().joinpath(cls.cli_name()) @classmethod def clone(cls, url, target=None): res = cls(Repository.clone(url, target or cls.default_location()).dir) with Config.from_file() as cfg: cfg.add_clone(res.cli_name(), res.dir) return res @classmethod def from_config(cls, key=None, fname=None, tag=None): cfg = Config.from_file(fname) return cls(cfg.get_clone(key or cls.cli_name()), tag=tag) def __enter__(self): if self.tag: # Try to store the current state of the repository ... try: self._prev_head = except TypeError: try: self._prev_head = self.repo.git.describe('--tags') except Exception: # pragma: no cover pass # ... then checkout the requested state: self.checkout(self.tag) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self._prev_head: self.checkout(self._prev_head) self._prev_head = None @classmethod def cli_name(cls): return cls.__cli_name__ or cls.__name__.lower() @property def api(self): if self.__api__ and self._api is None: self._api = self.__api__(self.dir) return self._api @classmethod def api_version(cls): if cls.__api__: try: return sys.modules[cls.__api__.__module__.split('.')[0]].__version__ except Exception: # pragma: no cover pass def iter_versions(self): for line in reversed(self.repo.git.tag('-n').split('\n')): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('v'): yield re.split(r'\s+', line, maxsplit=1)